B L O G S P O T !
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In 2014, I started blogging about my progress in writing ‘Wandervögel: A Prussian Family’s Passage Through Leipzig.’ Those posts were published on Facebook with the aim being to share news with family, friends and others who 'Liked' what I was doing.
For interested readers' convenience, I now share all 100+ posts here (see those pages linked in the lower right column).
After all, as social media guru @GuyKawasaki writes "of all content, you should share your own blog posts."
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Never write off a centenarian! (Oct. 18)
After a handful of messages are almost missed via Twitter, a conversation with a Leeds-based centenarian verifies a statement long-since written off!
Catching up with Eddie Van Halen (Oct. 11)
Saddened by the passing of Eddie Van Halen this week, I was surprised to discover more than a handful of parallels between him and my mother's family: a Dutch father and an immigrant mother, homes in adjacent neighbourhoods of Amsterdam, both left the country for new lives in the English-speaking world, and so on.
Whatsmore, both his and my mother's father played a part in supporting the celebrated duo, Snip and Snap. Needless to say, I was happy to discover I share a part of his heritage and history!
Back in the day (July 8)
This wonderful 30 minute clip of a tram ride through Leipzig from 1931 was shared within Leipzig's English community facebook group. At 9 min 20 seconds one approaches the Wintergarten Palast, where Nanny and Margot Tyralla, my grandmother and her sister, performed in November 1927. They had just returned from a tour of US vaudeville theatres. Their act, The Six Rockets, were just preparing to head back to the US.
Magic Milestone (May 9)
The second draft of Chapter 17: Love’s Great Adventures (1950-1962) was completed last Sunday. It largely culminates with the Berlin Wall going up, "the most dangerous border in world history." That got me thinking about the fact that my great grandmother, Frau Tyralla, had lived on both sides of the boundary that became the wall during her tenancy of Berlin. That was back during The Golden Twenties, the not so pleasant 30s and the downright miserable 40s. By the time it was up, she’d been in Hamburg on and off for over 20 years.
I can only guess what the 79 year old thought, her former homes, especially those on the east side of the wall, now unreachable.
And so I mapped three decades of Frau Tyralla's homes, either side of what became The Berlin Wall.
...Swings and Roundabouts (Feb. 22)
What with the endless pursuit of work and two young girls to manage, there has been precious little time to work on Wandervögel - the book - these last months. But, the joy of researching, compiling and writing is still there!
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